Deliciously Nutritious Organic Red SuperFoods

For years the superfood superstar has been Greens. Now, don’t get us wrong; we’re as keen as ever on Greens. Especially our Fermented Greens. (More about that later.) It’s just that… well, Red have seriously captured our attention since nutritional scientists the world over are reporting on their special properties. Or should we say superpowers?

Hundreds of Studies

Our Organic Red SuperFoods powder is based upon hundreds of published studies. PubMed, the free search engine maintained by the National Institutes of Health, affirms the powerful, far-reaching health benefits of red superfoods. Our Prairie Naturals Organic Red Superfoods is based upon this extensive research.

Deliciously Nutritious Organic Red SuperFoods

Here’s what you’re getting in every serving…

Organic Beet Root

Provides nitric oxide; improves blood flow; lowers blood pressure; boosts stamina and improves oxygen use in athletes; protects cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress; prevents inflammation and numerous chronic diseases; protects internal organs; improves cardiovascular health; supports detoxification.

Organic Pomegranate

A concentrated source of antioxidant polyphenols (tannins, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid)! Protects cells against cancer; prevents aging; neutralizes free radicals; reduces oxidative stress; prevents tissue and organ damage; lowers chronic inflammation.  A recent human study in Israel showed significant improvement for arthritis sufferers, including reduced joint pain and decreased inflammation.

Organic Goji Berries

Recent research published in the journal of Neuromolecular Medicine (March 2016) describes Goji berries as having “powerful neuro-protective effect on a number of neuronal diseases” including retinal disorders, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injuries. The colourful natural phytonutrient pigments, zeaxanthin and carotene, contain therapeutic antioxidants with cell-protecting and anti-aging properties.

Organic Grapeseed

Substantially increases blood levels of antioxidants to combat health problems related to free radical damage including premature aging, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Organic Carrots

Has exceptional natural beta carotene content and orange antioxidants with disease-fighting powers. Help maintain immunity; prevent night blindness and dry eyes; support healthy bones; protect cellular health; reduce cancer risk.

Organic Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries & Cranberries

A valuable source of potent phytochemicals (including anthocynanins, ellagic acid, coumaric, ferulic acid) that synergistically work wonders to optimize health through their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity; protect against urinary-tract infections, cancer, age-related health conditions and brain damage from stroke; reduce the risks of gum disease, stomach ulcers and high cholesterol.

And here’s what you’re not getting in our Organic Red Superfoods…

No added sugars, preservatives, colours, artificial sweeteners or flavours. No animal products or by-products. No genetically modified organisms (GMOs). No gluten, corn or yeast.


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