Men’s Testosterone and Cardiovascular Health

Testosterone is important for your Heart Health!

As men enter their 40s, various health concerns start to gain prominence, with cardiovascular health being one of the most critical. A significant factor that can impact cardiovascular well-being in men is testosterone levels.

The Link between Testosterone and Cardiovascular Health:

Testosterone is a hormone primarily known for its role in male sexual development and reproductive function. However, studies have shown that men with low testosterone levels may be at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular issues such as heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

One reason behind this connection is that testosterone helps maintain healthy levels of red blood cells and supports their proper function. Red blood cells transport oxygen throughout the body, including to the heart and other organs. Insufficient testosterone levels can lead to a reduction in red blood cell production, potentially leading to poor oxygen delivery to the heart and tissues. Additionally, testosterone aids in the regulation of cholesterol levels. Higher testosterone levels have been associated with lower levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and higher levels of “good” HDL cholesterol, which can help protect against atherosclerosis (the buildup of plaque in arteries).

When was the last time the men in your life had his testosterone levels checked?

Experiencing early stages of cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels), low libido, fatigue, and weight gain (beer bellies) are some of the warning signs that there has been a shift in testosterone levels. Any of these symptoms might mean it is time for a check up and to make some lifestyle changes.

The Role of Testosterone (T) in Male Aging

Testosterone is considered a mainstay for male virility, and low testosterone is a potential risk factor for accelerated aging. A healthy level of testosterone provides much-needed energy and decreases fatigue. Scientists have discovered that testosterone is necessary for proper function of the mitochondria (the little energy furnaces found in our cells) and that low levels of T are also associated with higher oxidative stress, enhanced inflammation, and increased risk of cardiovascular events.

What Affects a Man’s Virility?

Current research shows that many middle-aged men are already experiencing the types of changes that indicate they are aging faster than they should be. Longevity specialists now recommended that men become mindful about how they’re maintaining their heart, hormones, and other age-rated biomarkers (i.e., muscle strength, energy, blood pressure…). Key areas to address are a sedentary lifestyle, excessive weight gain, poor eating habits, exposure to environmental toxins, excessive use of alcohol and opiates, and a high level of chronic stress. High stress along with anxiety, depression and poor sleep could be the major factor contributing to low-T in an otherwise healthy male. For more information on how to deal with stress, check out the Canadian Men’s Health foundation at:

Lifestyle Factors and Cardiovascular Health:

For men over 40, it’s essential to adopt a heart-healthy lifestyle to complement any potential testosterone-related interventions. Here are some lifestyle factors that can positively impact cardiovascular health:

  1. Regular Exercise: Engage in a mix of aerobic exercises (like walking, jogging, or cycling) and strength training to improve heart function and maintain a healthy weight.
  2. Balanced Diet: Consume a diet rich in organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Reduce your intake of processed foods, sugary beverages, and excessive amounts of alcohol. Fermented & Organic SuperFoods can help to support better heart and hormonal health.
  3. Quit Smoking: If you smoke, quitting is one of the most significant steps you can take to improve your heart health.
  4. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can negatively affect heart health. Find stress-relieving activities such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature.
  5. Adequate Sleep: Prioritize getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support heart health and overall well-being.
  6. Supplemental Support for Healthy Hormones: Use of herbal formulas and as well as key nutrients (i.e., Vitamin B6, and zinc) can balance testosterone levels and support prostate health, without harmful side effects. Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) extracts and Fenugreek Seed extracts can help to preserve testosterone levels by decreasing the activity of the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to another sex hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Saw palmetto is widely available in supplement form and is often combined with other ingredients that help enhance prostate health, such as pumpkin seed extract, stinging nettle root and pygeum extract.

As men age, taking proactive steps to improve cardiovascular health becomes increasingly important. By adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle and considering natural supplements, men over 40 can take charge of their cardiovascular well-being and enjoy a healthier and more active life.

Prairie Naturals Men’s Health line is a support system to meet the changing needs of his body also helps with the healthy lifestyle.