Nootropics Turn On the Power of Your Brain

Whether you’re feeling the stress of the world or just the brain strain of daily life, the nootropic benefits of Neuro-Force can help you remember better and think more clearly. Nootropics (pronounced noh-oh-troh-piks) are a category of substances that are commonly referred to as “smart drugs” for enhancing cognition and memory and facilitating learning. Nootropics work to boost brain neurochemicals – neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones – by improving the brain’s oxygen supply and stimulating nerve growth. This unique group of memory and learning-enhancing substances also protect the brain against physical and chemical injury, including oxidation.

Neuro-Force – Be Bright! All the ingredients in Neuro-Force have been tested for purity and potency in an independent Canadian laboratory licensed by Health Canada.

Docosahexanoic acid (DHA) – Makes up 15-20 percent of the brain’s cerebral cortex! Low levels of DHA are linked to memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease while adequate levels restore cognitive abilities; improve rate of learning; reduce mental decline and prevent brain degeneration.

Vinpocetine – Increases blood flow to brain; reduces inflammation; protects central nervous system against degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Many studies have also concluded that vinpocetine has an exceptional ability to reverse the signs of brain, skin and nerve ageing.

Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) – Vitamin-like compound, powerful antioxidant and nerve growth factor stimulant; improves memory and cognitive functions; reverses cognitive impairment caused by chronic oxidative stress; protects brain and nerve cells; reduces stroke.

Bacopa Monnieri Extract – A recent study published in the journal Ageing (March 2016) shows that this herbal extract exerts “a neuroprotective effect against mental diseases such as depression, anxiety and Alzheimer’s disease.” The researchers found that Bacopa monnieri extract reduced learning deficits; improved long-term spatial memory; and reduced brain plaque.

Alpha GPC (L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine) – recently developed cognitive enhancer involved in the release of free choline; helps repair brain cell membranes and counteract cognitive impairment related to dementia, brain injuries and stroke.

Change your Habits. Change your Brain. Here’s a simple start to reversing the signs of ageing:

• Supplement your healthy diet with Neuro-Force.
• Eat nutrient-dense foods in their most natural state.
• Eat more berries- especially blueberries.
• Choose more plant-source proteins.
• Minimize alcohol consumption.
• Drink 8 glasses of water daily.
• Practice yoga & meditation.
• Eat more nuts & seeds.
• Express appreciation.
• Be physically & mentally active.

The Nootropic Ingredients in Neuro-Force Help:

• Improve availability of beneficial neurochemicals
• Stimulate nerve growth & function
• Improve oxygen flow to brain
• Improve memory & learning
• Enhance cognitive function
• Increase circulation to brain
• Promote mental stamina
• Reduce inflammation
• Protect nerve cells
• Brighten moods

Learn more about Neuro-Force